MKT201 Integrated Marketing Communications 代写

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  • MKT201 Integrated Marketing Communications 代写

    Assessment Information
    Subject Code: MKT201
    Subject Name: Integrated Marketing Communications
    Assessment Title: Individual Short-Term IMC Program Plan
    Length: 15 slides (no more)
    Weighting: 40%
    Total Marks: 100
    Submission: Online via Turnitin
    Due Date: Week 13 (Monday 12th of June, 2017, 15:55 PM AEST)
    Assessment Description
    The purpose of this short-term IMC plan is to further develop your ability to critically evaluate current IMC programs and to provide solutions based on learned IMC theories and concepts. This is a great opportunity to practice your planning skills in developing an IMC campaign with inclusion of budgetary and timing constraints.
    Based on your report findings in assessment 1 and your creative brief, you are required to design a 6 month
    IMC program for Samsung’s redesigned message addressing the recent “exploding battery” crisis. To make your learning experience as close as possible to a “real” word business, you are restricted to a budget of $50 000.
    Your short-term plan must include the following: Part I:
    Marketing communication goal and objective/s Redesigned message (refer to your assessment 2) Key target audiences
    Part II:
    Choice of Marketing Communication Mix
    6 month media schedule based on the media mix criteria including time and budgetary restrictions Reach
    Part II:
    Suggestion of at least three campaign evaluation methods
     MKT201 Integrated Marketing Communications 代写
    In preparing your slide deck, you will need to reference at least 10 sources of information. These may include corporate websites, government publications, industry reports, census data, journal articles, newspaper articles, and textbook material.
    Please note that Wikipedia is not to be used.
    COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969
    This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.
    Assessment Information

    Assignment Submission
    Students must submit their individual portfolio via Turnitin on Monday 12th of June, 2017, 15:55
    This file must be submitted as a ‘PDF’ document to avoid any technical issues that may occur from incorrect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate submission. Turnitin will notify you if there is any issue with the submitted file. In this case, you must contact your lecturer via email and provide a brief description of the issue and a screen shot of the Turnitin error message.
    You are also encouraged to submit your work well in advance of the deadline to avoid any possible delay with the Turnitin similarity report or any other technical difficulties that may occur.
    Late assignment submission penalties
    Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business
    School “late assignment submission penalties” policy.
    MKT201 Integrated Marketing Communications 代写
    COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969
    This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.
    Assessment Information

    Assessment Marking Rubric – Individual Short-term IMC Plan 40%
    Criteria NN (Fail) P (Pass) CR (Credit) DN (Distinction) HD (High Distinction)
      0%-49% 50%-64% 65%-74% 75%-84% 85%-100%
    Critical Analysis Your analysis lacked depth. This You have drawn some useful From your comprehensive analysis, From your comprehensive From your comprehensive
    and Evaluation has impacted on the quality of evaluation although a more you have drawn mostly useful analysis, you have drawn analysis, you have drawn
      your evaluation comprehensive analysis evaluation convincing evaluation dynamic and convincing
    /40     would have been helpful       evaluation
    Plan’s It is unlikely that your plan would It is possible that some of It is likely that some of your plan It is likely that all or most of It is extremely likely that all or
    Viability be considered and/or your plan would be would be implemented your plan would be most of your plan would be
      implemented considered     considered and implemented considered and implemented
    Slide Deck o   Spelling and/or grammar is o Even though grammar o   Mostly correct grammar and o   Errors in grammar and o   Correct grammar and
    Format   consistently incorrect,   and spelling are an   spelling are very good but with spelling are rare spelling throughout the
        impacting on the flow and   issue, they do not   occasional errors o   There is a logical analysis with no obvious
    /20   readability of your analysis   detract very much from o Ideas/themes have been connection between your errors
    o Ideas/themes have not   the readability of your   developed, but connections statements, adding to o   There is an obvious and
        been developed   analysis   are not always obvious. the readability and logical connection between
      o   The format chosen for your o Ideas/themes have been o   The format chosen for your credibility of your your statements, enhancing
        slide deck lacks thought   developed, but your   slide deck is appropriate but analysis the structure, synthesis,
        and consideration for the   composition lacks   some improvements would o   Your slide deck is credibility, and readability of
        intended audience   connections and   enhance its presentation professionally presented your analysis
      o In-text referencing and/or   integration. o Mostly correct in-text and has been submitted o   Your slide deck is
        reference list is mostly o   The format chosen for   referencing and reference list in the appropriate format professionally presented and
        incorrect or non-existent   your slide deck is   with minor errors throughout o   In-text referencing and exceeds expectations in
            appropriate, but major   and the occasional major error the resultant reference what is evidently suitable for
            improvements would     list are correct, with only a high-grade commercial
            enhance its presentation     the occasional minor environment
          o   An earnest attempt at in-     error o   In-text referencing and the
            text referencing is       resultant reference list are
            obvious but there are       correct, with no errors
            major errors        
            Feedback and Grades will be released via Turnitin    

    COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969
    This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.

    MKT201 Integrated Marketing Communications 代写